
Press releases

Exciting and up-to-date, informative and in-depth, stimulating and insightful - in its press releases, Naber continuously brings interesting content to the point. Naturally, the focus is on Naber products and the core competencies of development, logistics and service. But there are also many other topics relating to kitchen accessories and Naber’s lively image that deserve attention.

New motifs in the ACCOMODA® range from Naber

New motifs in the ACCOMODA® range from Naber

New motifs in the ACCOMODA® range from Naber

The kitchen accessories provider Naber has extended its ACCOMODA® niche rear wall range with beautiful new motifs, thus emphasising the importance of the niche for an individual room concept.


Downdraft and hob extractors – Optimal air flow prevents damage

Downdraft and hob extractors – Optimal air flow prevents damage

Downdraft and hob extractors – Optimal air flow prevents damage

Swollen kitchen cabinets, slippery floors, mouldy walls: insufficient air flow when using hob extractors can cause serious problems. Naber, a system supplier for kitchen technology, shows the causes and offers solutions.


Review area30 2024

Review area30 2024

Preview area30 2024

Let’s Make, this year’s motto for the Naber presentations at the area30, was perfectly suited to the lively atmosphere at stand H 21. Animated discussions alternated with intensive viewing and testing of the new faucets, LED lights, niche rear walls, seating, waste collectors and other accessory attractions.


Preview area30 2024

Preview area30 2024

Preview area30 2024

The new WESCO® programme will have its premiere at the area30 from 21 to 26 September 2024. For the first time, the charismatic and robust WESCO® household goods will be presented to an international trade audience under Naber’s corporate responsibility.


Naber recognised as German Brand Icon

Naber recognised as German Brand Icon

Naber recognised as German Brand Icon

Naber received the award “German Brand Icon” due to its tireless innovative spirit and constant striving for excellence - that was the verdict.


WESCO® Produkte als Gewinnspiel-Prämien ausgelobt

WESCO® Produkte als Gewinnspiel-Prämien ausgelobt

WESCO® Produkte als Gewinnspiel-Prämien ausgelobt

Familienunternehmen sind trotz einer zunehmend international ausgerichteten Geschäftstätigkeit eng mit der Region ihres Standortes verbunden. So auch der Nordhorner Mittelständler Naber.


Naber acquires rights to the traditional brand WESCO® Arnsberg

Naber acquires rights to the traditional brand WESCO® Arnsberg

Naber acquires rights to the traditional brand WESCO® Arnsberg

Naber GmbH, the leading provider of kitchen accessories based in Nordhorn, has acquired a range of assets from the insolvency assets of M. Westermann & Co. GmbH and its subsidiaries to WESCO®.


Accessory highlights from Naber

Accessory highlights from Naber

Accessory highlights from Naber

The name Namor® stands for product design with a comprehensive concept: ease of use inspires the consumers, ease of installation inspires the fitters, and the sustainability attributes are geared towards economical use of resources.


Catalogue 2024 with new digital functions

Catalogue 2024 with new digital functions

Catalogue 2024 with new digital functions

With the latest edition of its kitchen accessories catalogue, Naber is delivering a new burst of inspiration for the perfect kitchen. It is valid from 1 April 2024. Specialist retailers can look forward to a host of new products and stable prices in the various product ranges. In response to many customer requests, all the items are again shown directly with prices.


Recirculating air filters for cooker hoods: not all filters work well

Recirculating air filters for cooker hoods: not all filters work well

Recirculating air filters for cooker hoods: not all filters work well

As a partner of no less than three independent research institutes (see below), Naber was able to contribute its expertise in the field of kitchen ventilation to the study. Alongside aspects of energy efficiency, the quality of recirculating air systems was also put to the test.


COMPAIR PRIME flow® is the winner of the German Design Award 2024

COMPAIR PRIME flow® is the winner of the German Design Award 2024

COMPAIR PRIME flow® is the winner of the German Design Award 2024

The air duct system from Naber convinced the jury of the internationally acclaimed design award with its numerous innovations.


Fantastic results for wall conducts from Naber

Fantastic results for wall conducts from Naber

Fantastic results for wall conducts from Naber

Wall conducts and exhaust air flaps for extractor systems from Naber are perfectly suited for efficiency and passive houses. This is demonstrated by an independent study. The result is convenient exhaust air solutions with only minimal heat loss.


New Head of Purchasing at Naber

New Head of Purchasing at Naber

New Head of Purchasing at Naber

The end of January 2024 will see a personnel change in the Purchasing department at Naber GmbH, which is a cause of great regret among the management and staff: After some 43 years with the company, the Purchasing Manager and authorised signatory, Mr. Friedrich Kotmann, is retiring.


Extractor hoods: high energy savings possible

Extractor hoods: high energy savings possible

Extractor hoods:
high energy savings

Kitchen ventilation offers considerable potential for saving energy. This is the result of a comprehensive new study. Both the appliances themselves and their control systems, but also the exhaust and recirculating air ducting, can be optimised.


Naber mit neuem Messekonzept bei den "arbeitswelten"

Naber mit neuem Messekonzept bei den "arbeitswelten"

Naber mit neuem Messekonzept bei den "arbeitswelten"

Einblicke in verschiedene Ausbildungsberufe und in das Arbeitsleben bei Naber gab der Küchenzubehör-Anbieter während der Azubi-Messe "arbeitswelten 2023". Das überarbeitete Messestandkonzept sah vor, mit neuen Werbemitteln für mehr Wohlbefinden bei den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu sorgen.


Review area30 2023

Review area30 2023

Review area30 2023
New accessories for a great ambience

The lively professional exchange about the many new products in the kitchen and kitchen accessories sector made the area30 seem like a cosmos of innovation that infuses the general economic situation with optimism.


Relaunch of the Naber website

Relaunch of the Naber website

Relaunch of the Naber

With the GO LIVE on Wednesday, 06 September 2023, the Nordhorn-based full-range kitchen accessories supplier was ready for business: all set with a fresh layout, diverse new functions and the extensively revamped webshop!


Preview area30 2023

Preview area30 2023

Preview area30

The order trade fair area30 in Löhne from 16 to 21 September 2023 is the ideal place for Naber to surprise the trade visitors once again with exciting new products. First of all, the creative full-range kitchen accessories supplier from Nordhorn is unveiling the completely redesigned Naber website.


Five facts about Naber customer service

Five facts about Naber customer service

Five facts about Naber
customer service

We offer a wide range of services to support our customers in planning perfect kitchens. As a data base, the sales media relating to the Naber catalogue are oriented towards the information needs of the specialist kitchen trade, the construction and furnishing industry and, increasingly, the end consumer.


Optimum performance for every extractor

Optimum performance for every extractor

Optimum performance for
every extractor

With the new duct system COMPAIR PRIME flow®, Naber takes kitchen ventilation to a new dimension. The innovation is ultra-efficient and installation is quicker, more reliable and simpler than with any other system on the market.


COMPAIR PRIME flow® is an excellent innovative achievement

COMPAIR PRIME flow® is an excellent innovative achievement

COMPAIR PRIME flow® is an excellent innovative achievement

With COMPAIR PRIME flow® Naber is among the winners of the German Innovation Award 2023. The German Design Council, one of the world's leading design institutions, has awarded Naber a "Special Mention" in the category "Excellence in Business to Consumer – Kitchen" for its newly developed air duct system.


Naber receives BMK Innovation Award

Naber receives BMK Innovation Award

Naber receives
BMK Innovation Award

Every two years, the Bundesverband Mittelständischer Küchenfachhandel (Federal association of medium-sized kitchen retailers) awards the BMK Innovation Prize to companies that distinguish themselves with particularly innovative products. In 2023, the top winner in the kitchen accessories category was Naber with the Turno Solo faucet (design by tbSTUDIO, Berlin).


Red Dot award for COMPAIR PRIME flow®

Red Dot award for COMPAIR PRIME flow®

Red Dot award

COMPAIR PRIME flow® has been designated as a "winner" in the discipline Product Design 2023 in the Red Dot competition. The internationally renowned Red Dot seal testifies to the outstanding design quality of Naber's highly efficient air duct system.


NABER TRIO: ingenious down to the last detail

NABER TRIO: ingenious down to the last detail

ingenious down
to the last detail

The sink in the active centre of the kitchen should form a visually convincing duo with the faucet and a functionally well-conceived trio with the faucet and waste collectors.
