State-of-the-art logistics:
efficient, fast, precise!

High-performance and meticulously precise logistics are an integral part of our success. Naber uses its own fleet of vehicles and experienced logistics partners to move 120 pallets and dispatch around 3,500 parcels every day. The high-bay warehouse with 20,000 m2 of space has 24 loading bays through which the flow of goods is controlled. Intelligent dispatch technologies such as the pick-by-voice picking system and on-demand packaging ensure fast order processing and short throughput times.
Intelligent technologies for easier work
and more efficiency

Umweltfreundliches On Demand Packaging: Das fortschrittliche Herstellen der
richtigen Verpackung zur richtigen Zeit in der richtigen Menge reduziert erheblich
den Verbrauch von Verpackungs- und Füllmaterial sowie den Lagerraum. Transportvolumen
und Reklamationsaufwand werden minimiert. Das bedeutet geringere
Kosten, weniger Umweltbelastung und höhere Kundenzufriedenheit!
Continuously increasing
logistics requirements

Immer wieder finden wir gute Wege, um den laufend steigenden Logistik-Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Aber bei allem Bemühen um größtmögliche Effizienz vergessen wir nicht die Menschen. Unser soziales Engagement berührt auch die Inklusion: Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt Naber Mitarbeiter, die von der Lebenshilfe Nordhorn vermittelt werden. Wir freuen uns über ihren wichtigen Beitrag!
order picking

Pick-by-voice is the name of the modern technology of voice-supported and paperless order picking. From the headset comes all the information about the storage location of the ordered goods and the quantity. The logistics employee gives feedback to the system via announcement. Simple and fast - and at the same time with a lower error rate and more comfortable working.
Room psychology for
healthy working

The spatial psychology concept with which Naber has designed the buildings and the company grounds also supports healthy working. This comprises curved rows of LED lights in the high-bay warehouse as well as the freshness of a fountain in the middle of the goods receiving hall, from which a vigorous magnolia tree rises.